Why hire a doula?

According to the American Pregnancy Association, studies have shown that having a doula as a member of the birth team…

  • decreases C-section rate by 50%

    The presence of a doula in a birthing situation has been statistically proven to significantly improve the emotional and physical outcomes for both birthing person and baby.

  • Decreases the length of labor by 25%

    Research indicates that a doula can provide as much physical comfort as, and far more emotional comfort than, any medication with none of the negative consequences!

  • Decreases use of oxytocin by 40%,

    The ongoing consequences and cascading effects of a positive birth experience can influence the long term health and wellbeing of both the mother and the baby.

Ok, that sounds good, what else?

  • Decreases requests for an epidural by 60%

    Having the presence of a doula at your birth is more likely to result in less medical interventions, reducing further complications down the line. My role is to support your personal choices, whatever they may be, judgement free! I have your back mama and am 100% on your team!

  • increases the chance of having a baby born with a higher APGAR score

    A baby born with reduced exposure to pain medications and sedatives is more likely to be an alert baby

  • results in higher satisfaction with the birthing process

    I aim to encourage you in ways that will allow you to foster self-determination and feel in control of your birth experience.

“Rhiannon brought calm to a hectic environment. We were instantly put at ease by her presence. She brought safety and reassurance.”

— Birth Partner

Hoping to breastfeed?

A baby born with reduced exposure to pain medications and sedatives is more likely to be an alert baby, increasing the likelihood of a favourable latch and increasing the chances of a successful start to breastfeeding. Having the presence of a doula at your birth is more likely to result in less medical interventions, reducing further complications down the line and increasing your odds of getting off to a great start on your breastfeeding journey.

“the care providers were familiar with Rhiannon and spoke extremely highly of her. she was friendly with everyone.”

— Birther

So What Is A Doula? 

A doula is a trained labour support person who accompanies you in labour by offering physical, emotional and informational support to both you and your birth partner.

A doula acts as the protector of your memory of your birth experience, recognising the significance of this event in your life. This increases the likelihood of you viewing the birth as a positive experience, further protecting your positive mental health in the postpartum period, and aiding with long-term bonding between you and your baby.

What do I bring into the birthing room? 

I offer physical support in the way of massage, help with optimal positioning, breathing techniques and suggesting comfort measures as needed. 

Emotional support is given by validating pain, guiding with visualisations, verbal reassurance and encouragement, and helping you maintain your rhythm. 

I assist you in finding the knowledge and information necessary  to make informed decisions, and help you follow your original preferences regarding pain medications. I advocate for your wishes by enhancing communication between you and your caregiver. I’ll never speak on your behalf but rather encourage you to ask questions so you feel empowered to own your birth experience, however your baby finds it’s way out. 

The bottom line is, my personal prerogatives and opinions of optimal birth choices are irrelevant and have no place in your birth room. Rather, I will support you in your requests for information to enable you to make choices towards a safe and satisfying childbirth as defined by YOU! 

“Rhiannon was both informative about the labour process and its options and supportive in whichever way you decide upon. she educated us in the pros and cons for each choice, was very much a team player, and was respectful to all other healthcare workers.”

— Birther

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