Placenta Encapsulation
Rhiannon Browning Rhiannon Browning

Placenta Encapsulation

A potent therapeutic remedy to nourish newborn mothers during the critical postpartum period, or an absolute load of nonsense??

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The Hormones Of Labour
Rhiannon Browning Rhiannon Browning

The Hormones Of Labour

When you are in labour and you feel a threat of any kind, whether real or perceived, the body initiates your fight or flight response. Adrenaline is released and your uterus is suddenly deprived of the oxygen it needs to continue doing it’s job effectively. As a result, the muscles begin contracting inefficiently, which your brain then interprets as pain.

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What Matters most?
Rhiannon Browning Rhiannon Browning

What Matters most?

The only thing that matters is that you feel like you are heard, respected, given the information you require, and have authority and control over what is happening to you at every step of your birthing journey. However that looks, whatever unexpected turns in the road you face, you feel the respect and support you deserve.

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I Had No Idea!
Rhiannon Browning Rhiannon Browning

I Had No Idea!

The age old phrase ‘Knowledge is Power’ has never been more applicable than in preparation for labour. Your decisions will affect the course of your labour and may have a huge consequence on how your baby is born.

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